Redneck Farm Stay Easter 2025

Redneck Farm Stay Easter 2025

Trip Leaders:  Jacquie & Craig Colhoun

Our hosts have confirmed the availability of our campsites. Water frontage or rural paddock frontage is available!

Camping is suitable for Caravans / Camper Trailers / Tents. You will need to be self-sufficient as this property is off the grid, with no power/internet. There is a timber drop toilet with a lovely bush view. Closer to time Jacquie will email a mud map on how to get to the Farm with address and other location details. Fires are allowed and firefood can be collected on the property.

What to Bring: 

Camping Equipment / Food /Drinks + usual 4WD gear as per club requirements, you will need to be self-sufficient with power/water etc...

Camping Style:

Private Property, No Power, Caravan Friendly (Tents, Swags, Camper Trailers), Fires allowed (bring firewood if possible), Fires allowed (bring a chainsaw to cut up firewood)

Misc Information:

Visitors are welcome. Meeting Time etc... is an estimate of arrival time at the Farm. Craig & Jacquie will already be in the Coffs Harbour area for family the week prior so meeting place will be at the farm


There will be some lead trips of both medium and harder variety. I will also put together some self-drive guides for those that want to site-see instead of going on the harder trips

Trip Details

Trip Date 17-04-25 2:00 pm
Trip End Date 21-04-25 12:00 pm
Cancel Before Date 16-04-25 5:00 pm
Vehicle Quantity 30
Registered Vehicles 3
Available place 27
Location Glenreagh

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