This is now full, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register your interest for Sunday. Note: if there is sufficient interest a 2nd course maybe run on Sunday
Costs: $95 per person attending the course, maximum 6, first paid, first in.
Deposit into the club bank account in the format (Surname CESK).There is scope for a course on the Sunday if we have sufficient numbers.
An application form will be emailed to you once confirmation of payment has been made.
What to Bring:
Usual morning tea, lunch may be provided TBA (sausage sizzle), afternoon tea, chair etc
- Chainsaw safety, operation, maintenance, trim and cut felled trees.
Learning objectives:
Knowledge of and respect for the hazards of chain saw operation and maintenance, conduct risk assessment and implement appropriate controls.
Conduct routine and periodic maintenance (refuel, clean / check air cleaner, muffler / spark arrestor, spark plug, chain and bar, sharpen and adjust chain, replace starter cord and spring).
Operate chain saw - start safely, cross cut (incl. bridging, swinging, boring, ripping, wedge, reducing cuts) felled trees.