Basic Accredited Driver Training - SEP 2023

Basic Accredited Driver Training - SEP 2023

Training Course Code: RIIVEH305F Operate and Maintain a 4WD Vehicle

To register: Please ensure you register for this course through 4WD QLD member jungle or contact the Training Administrator at 4WD Qld This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Costs: $195per person attending the course

The 4WD Qld Training Coordinator will notify you when and where to pay once enrolment is confirmed.
Payment must be made directly to 4WD Qld (not the Qld 4x4 Club account)

Four Wheel Drive Queensland for our financial members and is a nationally recognised qualification.

You will need to demonstrate the competencies required to achieve your qualification.  Once passed as competent you will receive a certificate in  Drive and recover a 4WD vehicle.


Assessors are required to view a participant complete certain components multiple times in order for you to be assessed as competent.  Generally, the assessment will occur over a weekend where the activities can be viewed by multiple assessors.  If components are missed or incomplete then ensure you find out who the club assessors are, and attend drive days and camping trips and ask them to assess you then.  From the start of the assessment weekend, you should try to complete the program within 12 months.

To participate in the assessments under this program you will receive the following reference documents:

  • Basic Course Handbook
  • Basic Course Application
  • Queensland 4WD Club Assessment Checklist [This is for the trainee to monitor their own assessment progress]
  • Detailed Practical Assessment Sheets [ 1 - 10 ]

To keep member assessment costs to a minimum, not all training materials will be purchased.  However, if you wish to purchase these documents advise the Driver Trainer Coordinator.

  • Full Induction Handbook
  • Driver Trainee Manual

In order for you to complete the Accredited Driver Training Assessments you should:

  1. Read the basic course information handbook [provided] to familiarise yourself with the assessment process.
  2. Read through the Driver Trainee Manual if you would like to update your theoretical knowledge [optional].
  3. Practice your driving skills.
  4. Have an assessor witness your driving skills on the programmed assessment days.
  5. Return the completed QLD 4x4 Club assessment.
  6. There is no deadline for you to complete the assessment, although it is advisable to have it completed within a 12-month period.
  7. You can complete Practical Assessment elements individually or in one hit.
  8. You do not have to be assessed as competent in the first, second, or third attempt, but can come back as long as it takes you to meet the requirements.
  9. If you are assessed as 'Not Yet Competent' in a particular assessment the assessor will provide you with guidance to assist you in understanding what changes should be taken and strategies to develop the competency for next time.

You will need to successfully complete the Basic Accredited Training and provide a copy of a valid RTO certificate, in order to attend the Advanced Accredited Training.

Trip Details

Trip Date 09-09-23 8:00 am
Trip End Date 10-09-23 4:00 pm
Cut off date 01-09-23
Cancel Before Date 09-09-23 8:00 am
Vehicle Quantity 6
Individual Price + any camping / 4WD fees