Cleanup Australia Day - Glasshouse Mts

Cleanup Australia Day - Glasshouse Mts

Clean Up Australia Day is on Sunday 1 March, and this year HQPlantations is organising Clean Up events Glass House Mountains.

This is a great opportunity for anyone who uses and loves our forests to help keep them beautiful, so it’d be great to see you there!


Trip Leader: Craig & Monika English

Meeting Point: BP Northbound at 7:15am

Departure Time: 7:30am

They will provide bags, gloves etc on the day.

If you intend to bring a ute or trailer (which would be very useful) please let Peter Fowler know as HQ Plantations need to be advised.

What to bring: Water, Snacks (ie: Morning Tea) + usual 4WD gear as per club requirements

We will be travelling to the HQ Plantations Beerburrum office (on Red Rd), with a kick off at 8am. They will have several areas within the Plantations that have been heavily dumped with rubbish, sticking to the Eastern side of the reserve, Toorbul, Donnybrook, Rose and Bribie logging areas. HQ Plantations are working in conjunction with Moreton Bay Regional Council for free dumping, so wont have skip bins at the office as previous years, instead taking the rubbish directly to the Caboolture Waste Facility.

HQ Plantations will again host a lunch for all volunteers after the event has finished which will give their staff a chance to catch up with us.

The clean up initiative at Beerburrum will kick off at 8am, for general inductions, with the last rubbish picked up at 11:30am, which will give the clubs enough time to get to the Caboolture Waste Facility and back to Beerburrum in time for lunch at 12pm

Trip Details

Trip Date 01-03-20 7:15 am
Trip End Date 01-03-20 2:00 pm
Cancel Before Date 01-03-20 5:00 am
Vehicle Quantity 20
Registered Vehicles 4
Available place 16

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