Moreton Island 07-08-2025

Moreton Island 07-08-2025
Moreton Island Camping Trip
For those interested
The dates for the Moreton Island Trip are,
Leaving Port of Brisbane - Thursday 07th of August.
Departing Moreton Island - Thursday 14th of August.
Please book via the Micat website (Moreton Island Adventures)
* (The Ecca Showday holiday for those living in MBRC is Monday 11th August & Brisbane Ecca Show day is the 13th of August)
As in previous years, you can come for just 3 or 4 days, or the whole experience
Attendees will also have to book Vehicle & Camping Permits via the Mulgumpin website
Which still requires Proof of Covid vaccination
Even though the Pandemic is officially over
(Their advice not mine)
Get in quick as the barge is filling quickly due to the public holiday that week
Any questions give me a call
0417 736 911
The intended camping area is the North West Camping Zone( North of Benewa & south of Bulwer)
I will be taking firewood (for cooking purposes)

Trip Details

Trip Date 07-08-25 8:00 am
Trip End Date 14-08-25 4:00 pm
Cancel Before Date 06-08-25 8:00 am
Vehicle Quantity Unlimited
Registered Vehicles 2
Individual Price Barge and Camping fees
Location Moreton Island