Queensland 4x4 Club

Enjoy, Don't Destroy

As we were lucky to get going in time due to late comers? A good day was had.

Point Glorious what a fabulous place, the lookout has truly glorious views. Photo time was had and our budding photographers came out. I hope we gave them enough encouragement. First stop and second briefing. Well this is my first outing with the president and does he like to talk. I hope we don’t get a briefing at each stop. But no, I was mistaken. No more briefs.

Now a strange thing happened along the way, and this is for Harli

As we drive through dust and blunder

There is a secret plan asunder

Our great trees divine to throw

A stick in time

For Patrols to show

how good they are

at pick up sticks

So, Harli played pickup sticks today. And made us all laugh a little. And he bore the brunt of a few jokes. Thanks for being a good sport. On we went to stop at a trickle on the road side. It was a small waterfall.

Then on to the Mapleton Falls. All the while the views were spectacular.

From there the Mapleton Tavern was close at hand and a great place to have lunch. Which we all made good use of. Now we had two young people in our midst, and they had some divine

dessert which made more than a few mouths water. Now the talk turned to where we can go and have some ice-cream.

I never did get one that day. Off down a steep dirt road and the most stunning scenery. A big loop and back toward Maleny, turn right and off to for some must have ice-cream. Nooo shop and nooo ice-cream. I am sure we can all do without.

In our midst we also had a birthday boy. Well man really. I hope you had a lovely day Rudi.

 And here is a poem for all the majestic trees we saw.

Queensland 4x4 Club Day Drive to MapeltonTREES
by Joyce Kilmer

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth’s flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree

Thank you to all who attended.

We had a nice day.

Trip Leader: Craig Colhoun

Trip Report: Kay & John